We follow a text-enhanced approach to our literacy/ topic work. Each term, the teacher selects a text that will support the learning . In year 1 we read and used/ are using ...
Dinosaur in the supermarket story
Children in year 1 use the writing opportunities available to write independently, applying their phonics skills. We are authors.
The children are absolutely loving writing and we have written lots of letters to the T Rex in our class book, Dear Dinosaur by Chae Strathie.
There are also lots of opportunities to do some independent learning and the children are taking on the challenge in reading, writing, maths and PE.
We have also looked geometric art and had a go at creating some of our own. We enjoyed using 2D shapes, colours and all the different types of lines that we have learnt about in art to make our own artwork colourful and vibrant.
We are readers. Share a Story, October 2024 Year One held their first Share a Story session this morning. Parents came into school to read with their children and share new stories together. Mrs. Jones read the children’s favourite stories; Chocolatina, Schnitzel von Krumm Forget Me Not and Rumpelstilskin to everyone. The children loved joining in with these! Everyone had a lovely time and are looking forward to our next session, which will be Christmas stories!
Every week we have Free Writing Friday. We can write independently and be creative.
Some of our first attempts...
Big Write day term 1 - The whole school took part in a writing task based on the theme music to the 1991 film, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. We talked a lot about who Robin Hood might have been and what he did. We made wanted posters using what we had learnt about adjectives to describe what he looked like. Then we used teabags to age our posters so that they look like they come from the time of Robin Hood.
Maths- We are mathematicians.
We have been counting and sorting. We used manipulatives and then used our workbooks to work independently. We have also learnt more about greater than and less than.
We are partitioning numbers! These lovely learners chose to get theses resources out of the maths corner during continuous provision and partition numbers all by themselves. Well done girls, great learning in maths!
We are historians. The children use their questioning skills to find out about the past. They use an archaeological dig to discover information about dinosaurs and fossils. The children find out about the famous palaeontologist, Mary Anning. We look very closely at fossils using magnifying glasses and draw them.
In science, in term 1 we have been learning about materials. We have read the story of the Three Little Pigs and have talked about all the different materials that the pigs used to build their houses. We also investigated why some of the materials they used didn't work very well. We had a go at building our own houses out of straw, sticks and bricks. The houses had to have a roof, a door, stand up by themselves and be big enough to be able to fit a little person in. The children loved this challenge and were able to work together as teams to solve the problem. One little person even got an added hot tub in the garden!
Well done Year 1, you are great scientists and architects!
The children look at inventions. The topic for term 2 is Incredible Inventors. Children learn about bikes and who invented the Penny Farthing. The children explore the inventors' corner. The children use spanners , screwdrivers and allen keys to take a bike apart! They are encouraged to solve problems.

Then we used what we found to make different pictures. Some of the pictures were well-thought-out and very beautiful!
We love taking our learning outside!

Mrs. Poole brought in a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery for us to look at. We looked it up on the internet and found out that it is actually a honey pot because the lid has a bee on it. Unfortunately, the lid is missing so we use photos to draw the honey pot as it should look like. We really enjoy being art investigators!

We ended the day by playing a describing game. The children were really good at it and beat me by a long way!
The pencils, crayons and felt tipped pens stayed in their pots and on the side all day!

We visited Chepstow Castle to experience castles, what an exciting trip it was and the children produced amazing writing from the first hand experience.
In term 4 as Scientists, we have been looking at identifying and naming a variety of common animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. We have frogs spawn in our classroom and are observing the changes that happen.
We are Geographers learning about The Arctic and Antarctica. We will read maps, look at the climate and animals who make these places their habitat.
In the first week of term 5 the children enjoy finding out about polar animals in the Antarctic Research Station as well as talking about what they already know. They look at a map of the world and identified all the areas of land and sea.