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Learning continued

Term 2 the book chosen to enhance learning, is Shackleton's Journey. 

    We are reader and authors                                         We are explorers/ Geographers

The children learn about Antarctica, they focus on their Geography skills looking at the physical and human geography of this ice desert.  

They explore the position of the region and the impact this has on climate, season and habitats. 

They learn the history of Antarctic exploration and focus on Shackleton's amazing story of resilience and survival.  The children write persuasive letters applying for a role on the ship, contrasting diary entries from the perspective of people on board. They also write non-chronological reports. 


Spring term  Term 3 

This term the topic is Tudors. The text chosen to enhance the children's learning and historical understanding is Treason by Berlie Doherty . Year 6 are historians.

Treason is an historical novel set in the Tudor period, widely read in KS2 Renaissance history lessons as well as in the mass market. It deals with the intrigue, ambitions and fears in Henry VIII’s court, seen through the eyes of 11 year old Will Montague, page to the little Prince Edward. When Will’s father is thrown into Newgate prison for treason, Will has to take refuge in the streets of London. But he must save his father’s life!

We have been writing book journals. 



Following on from our 'Speak out Stay Safe' assembly term 3, Year 6 participated in an NSPCC workshop exploring how they can ensure they keep themselves and others safe, understanding how they can seek help and support if they need to.


Term 4 continued with the book Treason as we were enjoying the story and producing great writing. Then we moved onto Street Child by Berlie Doherty. This book is a tale of an orphan in Victorian London, based on the boy whose plight inspired Dr Barnardo to found his famous children’s homes. When his mother dies, Jim Jarvis is left all alone in London. He is sent to the workhouse but quickly escapes, choosing a hard life on the streets of the city over the confines of the workhouse walls. Struggling to survive, Jim finally finds some friends… only to be snatched away and made to work for the remorselessly cruel Grimy Nick, constantly guarded by his vicious dog, Snipe.

   Chapter 1 read aloud

Term 6 year 6 will be getting stuck into World War 2. They will be reading a variety of non fiction texts. 

We are Designers

Year 6 have been using their creative skills to design and make waistcoats. We looked at materials and selected the appropriate fabric and considered our designs and fastenings. We have been working hard at creating neat, even seams using a running stitch which is sometimes trickier than it looks!







In term 6 the children are learning about World War Two.  The children will be posing historical questions and constructing informed responses that involve selection and organisation of relevant historical information.  They are also reading The Man who Walks between the Towers. They will be writing a speech, diary entry, setting descriptions and war poetry.  The classes will read a variety of non-fiction books. 

  The Man Who Walked Between the Towers read aloud.