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The children have followed a text-enhanced approach. The books are chosen carefully to support learning and to help children make connections.  We also ensure they learn traditional tales and nursery rhymes. Term 1 the children read The Three Little Pigs, Farmer Duck, The Little Red Hen and The Dot


Expressive Arts and Design
We will celebrate International Dot Day by reading the book ‘The Dot’, and children will be encouraged to mark-make and create their own art, beginning with a dot. Children will also explore printing with everyday objects, including vegetables, and they will create self-portraits using oil pastels.

For more information, please look at the parent planners on the main Reception page. 

Term 2 the children read Owl Babies, Stick Man and Little Red Riding Hood. 


The children were also exposed to a variety of nursery rhymes celebrating National Nursery Rhyme Week.

Term 3 the children read Handa's Surprise and Anansi the Spider. 


Expressive Arts and Design With our key texts, children will have a go at weaving Handa’s basket, and will draw and paint a range of fruits to go in the basket. 

Understanding the World
Past and Present; People, Culture and Communities; and
The Natural World,

This term children will explore and begin to understand the effects of changing seasons, focussing on winter. They will use their senses to observe the world around them, including key processes and changes - freezing and melting - alongside hot and cold. Children will work towards exploring and identifying ways we currently and can adapt to care for the environment. Exploring further afield, the children will discover Africa, thinking about life in different countries, people and animals/habitats, and they will contrast localities. We will be trying different foods too!

Handa's Surprise story link      Anansi The Spider Story link

Reception are writers 

 What Super STAR writers they are... 

   Dr Piper choosing to write whilst in provision 

Term 4 Reception class are reading Jack and the Beanstalk and Mr Wolf's Pancakes 


Jack and The Beanstalk read aloud                     Mr Wolf's Pancakes

The children are learning to understand the effects of changing seasons; to use their senses to observe the world around them; make observations using their senses and understand the processes of germination.

Term 5

The books they will be exposed to are What ever Next and The Train Ride 


Term 6 

Lucy and Tom, The rainbow Fish and Sally and the Limpet are the chosen books. These will enhance our learning this term.