Refugees Assembly
We learnt and reflected upon the life of a refugee. What is it like for them? How can we help? We discussed living in refugee camps. As a school we watched a film about migration.
Rights, Respect and Responsibility
We recapped the work of UNICEF and the Rights of the child.
Rights are rules about what people are allowed to do or to have.
Every person in the world has rights.
You have rights.
However, with rights there comes responsibilities.
Anti bullying week
Our Well-Being champions have continued to shine in their duties this week by leading the Key Stage 2 assembly about anti-bullying. They were so confident in their responsibilities for being true ambassadors for our school.
People are powerful.
We looked at people who have faced challenges and pushed themselves to be the best they could be.
Harvest Festival
16th October 24 We held our Harvest Festivals. All food donations were given to the Forest Food Bank.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended and well done to all the children who took part.
World Mental Health Assembly
Mrs Golledge led the assembly which recognised World Mental Health Day. Children discussed emotions and linked these to Zones of Regulation. They discussed who could help them in school and out. Lots of suggestions were given as to how we can help our own mental health.
School Council
An assembly was held to reintroduce the children to well-being champions. The children know their roles and how the children can access support in school and help each other.
Keep up to date with news round
Mrs Poole found the book Trying by Kobi Yamada. The story links well to our value of Resilience. The boy in the story learns that it is OK to fail, and that failure is not something we should be sacred of. We should learn from our mistakes.
Celebration assembly. Every week KS1 and Ks2 have celebration assemblies. We celebrate being Star who Shine! It could be for learning, behaviour, demonstrating the terms value or any other super star reason. We also celebrate pupils out of school's achievements. Article 29
Harvest festivals.
This year is has been a little different. We split into two groups and each class performed their celebration to Harvest.
We were all very thankful for the food donations. The donations will be shared between the food bank in Lydney.
We have been learning about EQUALITY in assembly.
Equality is:
- understanding that everyone is different but that we are all people;
- knowing that everyone has the right to be treated fairly;
- treating others with respect.
"We discussed how things should be fair and we should not discriminate against people. When I see you through my heart I know we are the same." Dr Zantama.
Doe Zantama is an author and illustrator. We thought about what this quote means to us.
Our final thought was:
Remember, equality is when we make sure that everyone is treated fairly. It doesn’t mean that everyone has to be treated the same. link
Welcome back assembly Sept 23 - We thought about our dreams and hopes for this year. We discussed how we are going to SHINE and be STARS.
We read the book Maybe by Kobi Yamada see the link below . We are all special and need to brave and resilient to reach our dreams.
Being kind assembly
Mrs Golledge led an assembly today and it was all about Being Me and kind to others. The volunteers showed how we can not take unkind words or actions back once they are said/ done. This was modelled through every time something unkind could be said or done paint was squirted out of the tube. The children were then asked to get all the paint back in the tube!!!
Zones of regulation
We reminded ourselves about how we can self regulate and understand how we feel. We had an assembly on the Zones of regulation to remind us for the start of September 23.
The value for term 1 and 2 is Resilience . Children were reminded about what this means and how we can build resilience.
Rights Respecting Assembly
We have started the term focussing on Article 28 A Right to an Education. We discussed why we come to school. Why do we need an education and moved onto what our aspirations are for the future?
We also discussed if it is our right to have an education what would be our responsibility.
We had an incredible visitor today, Cain and his assistant Helen. They represented Racing through Barriers of Disability. We are raising awareness in school regarding equality, disability, inclusion and breaking down barriers. Cain suffers from cerebral palsy. Cain uses an AAC devise to speak and showed the children how resilient he is.
We tried to write with out our hands or some got to eat a yogurt !
We really tried to understand how Cain tries to overcome barriers to carry out everyday tasks.
10th October 23
World Mental Health and Young Minds Matter assembly. We talked about the importance of being well and mindful. Also, we are not alone.
See PPT for link to YMM website.
10th November 23
In the assembly we thought about remembrance. We recapped why we remember. The head boy/girl and deputies are representing our school in the remembrance parade.
13th November 23
We looked at and thought about Diwali. See PPT below.
13th November 23 Additional assembly
The assembly focus was anti-bullying week. The KS2 children talked about what bullying is. The discussion addressed online and in-person bullying. Over the week, there was an emphasis on what we could do to help each other and that bullying would not be tolerated.
20th November 23
We looked at the value Respect ready for next term. We thought about respecting ourselves and respecting others. What does it mean to be respectful?
27th November 23
We recapped the value of honesty and what it means. The children were excellent when identifying how it felt to be honest and why honesty is the best policy. Never be afraid of the TRUTH! The children joined in with the Boy Who Cried Wolf story and reflected on why the villagers did what they did!
Be honest even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
28th November 23
Mrs Golledge with the school council, decided an online safety assembly would help support the work we have already carried out in school and the anti-bullying work week. The children are very knowledgeable as to how to be safe online but were shocked at some of the age limits for apps. The whole of KS2 agreed they knew how to safe that they need to practise their knowledge whilst at home and online.
1st December 23
We focussed on the importance of reading and books even in modern times. We discussed where a book can take you...
Reading is a wonderful activity – it can teleport people to different countries, lands, planets or even galaxies, all while improving their current mental state and long-term well-being. And it does not even require hours of your time every day.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss
We started term 3 by looking at our value - Respect.
We thought about what the word RESPECT meant and how we show respect and who/ what for.
We also held an assembly on Responsibilities - as this links. We thought about where we use this word around school and what it means to us in everyday life. What does it mean to take responsibility?
I'll Do IT Click on the link to see the Read Aloud Book!.
Speak Out, Stay Safe Campaign
29th January 23 the school is participating in the Speak out Stay safe programme. Speak Out, Stay Safe campaign. EVERYONE across the school will be taking part in a Speak Out, Stay Safe assembly.
Year 6 children will have a workshop run by the NSPCC volunteers. ALL Key Stage 2 children will be taking part in an online questionnaire.
This is also linked to Rights, Respect and Responsibilities...
All children have the right to: