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Who's who

Mrs S Poole  (Head Teacher)

My hobbies are eating and walking. I need to do both as they balance each other out.

My favourite food is cheese. I should have been born a mouse.

My favourite subject is maths, even though I was not very good at is as a child.

My favourite sport is rugby. I played in my youth (a long time ago) and now love to watch it. A true Welshy!

Two interesting facts about me:

I am a twin and I love cold, cold, cold water wild swimming!

Mrs McQueen Oliver (Deputy Head Teacher)

My hobbies are travelling, reading and keeping healthy.

My favourite food is anything Italian!

My favourite subjects are Maths, French and Reading.

My favourite sport is football.

An interesting fact about me: When I was small, my ambition was to visit every star in the universe.

Class Teachers 

Mrs S Crispin

My hobbies are baking, travelling (especially somewhere hot) and spending time with my family and dog, Toto.

My favourite food is Italian. I also love anything sweet (especially chocolate and cake)!

My favourite subjects are Literacy, because I've always enjoyed writing,  and D&T.

My favourite sport is gymnastics, even if I'm not very good at it myself!

An interesting fact about me: I can speak Welsh, but I am a little out of practice since working here in Lydney.

Miss K Webster

My hobbies are running 5K and volunteering at my local Parkrun, bodyboarding, long walks and more recently paddleboarding which I love. Choosing my favourite food is hard, most likely cake! I can tell you that I really don't like seafood in any form. If you can make a good egg free cake, then I will bite your hand off! My favourite subject is Art, because art can be seen all around us and everybody is an artist is some way shape or form. My favourite sport is rugby, I enjoy watching and learning about the game. .An interesting fact about me: I dream about owning a campervan of my own one day, so I can park it up next to the beach.


Mrs L Jones

My hobbies are travelling, and I have been lucky enough to go to some very exciting places including South Africa, Russia, New Zealand and Mongolia! I love reading and spend a lot of time during the holidays with my nose in a good book! I also enjoy walking our dog, Bertie, with my family.

My favourite food is my Mum’s roast chicken dinner with all of the trimmings and then her pineapple upside down pudding with custard for pudding!

My favourite subjects are English and history. I love to read stories about the past and visiting museums with my family.

My favourite sport – hmm, this is a bit tricky because I am not a very sporty person! I enjoy going to Pilates on a Tuesday and we go for longs walks at the weekends. I also love watching the summer Olympics and winter Olympics on TV. I especially like the diving, synchronised swimming and figure skating.

An interesting fact about me is that I can play the piano and the violin. I have played my violin in lots of orchestras including the Gwent Youth Orchestra and the Reading Symphony Orchestra.

Mrs King

My hobbies include, keeping active by walking, running, and attending exercise classes (when I can); I spend lots of my time doing home improvements and I enjoy interior design and decorating (I have an old house that needs a bit of sprucing up); I also enjoy paper craft and I like making things like birthday cards and invitations.

I enjoy lots of different types of food and I like to try new things.  My favourite type of food is generally Indian or Thai. I enjoy all the different types of flavours and it reminds me of when I visited Thailand on holiday.  My favourite sweet food is cake (especially birthday cake!) and I also enjoy making and decorating cakes for special celebrations.

My favourite subject is history.  I always enjoyed learning about the past when I was at school and as an adult, it fascinates me to imagine what life was like for people in the past.  I enjoy visiting historical places and museums in my spare time.

My favourite sports are tennis, swimming, rugby and (more recently) football.  My daughters have recently joined a girl’s football team and I enjoy taking them to training and playing with them in the garden.

An interesting fact about me is that I can play the flute and enjoy singing.  I once sang as part of a choir at St David’s Hall in Cardiff.

Mrs S Oliver

My hobbies are walking and travelling. I love exploring the countryside.

My favourite food is pizza. I love travelling to Italy and eating freshly made pizza.

My favourite subject is Geography, as I love learning about the world.

My favourite sport is hockey.I played for my school and for the county team when I was younger.

Two interesting facts about me: I can use British Sign Language and I have a sister who lives in France.

Miss Ridgers

My hobbies are walking and spending time with my dog Winston, and reading. I love sharing my love of stories with the children I work with.

My favourite food is cheese.

My favourite subject is guided reading. I love the many places a story can take you without going anywhere.

My favourite sport is football and I love going to watch it as often as I can.

Two interesting facts about me: I come from London but would never move back there - I love the Forest so much. I am also a huge Disney fan.

Mrs O Sayers

My hobbies are baking, travelling, going to the theatre and watching lots of different sports.

My favourite foods are ribeye steak, nasi goreng (fried rice), calamari and prawns.

My favourite subjects are Maths and PE. I really disliked PE when I was in primary school, but when I got to Year 7, my opinion about it really changed, and I have loved it from then on.

My favourite sports are rugby, netball, cricket, cycling and swimming!

An interesting fact about me: I grew up in Germany and spent almost the first 18 years of my life living over there. I can speak the language a little bit too.

Mrs J Shields

My hobbies are cooking, running and spending time with my family.

My favourite food is chocolate... I have such a sweet tooth.

My favourite subjects are Phonics and History.

My favourite sport is running. I've ran quite a few 5k and 10k races.

An interesting fact about me:  Myself and Mr Shields have the same birthday... we were even born in the same year and at the same hospital!

Mrs L Golledge

My hobbies surround trying to keep fit and healthy.  I try to swim a mile twice a week and run with Mrs Howells twice a week (although it's more of a walk as I HATE running!).  When the weather is nice, you will find me cycling for miles with my family and stopping off somewhere for cake or a picnic.  As a family, we LOVE watching movies with popcorn and chocolates.

My favourite food is anything that fills my tummy: pizza, burgers, toad in the hole, or a really good Sunday lunch.

My favourite subject is History as I love to learn about how the past has shaped our present.

My favourite sport is anything where I am keeping active and enjoy doing it.  I used to do a lot of HIIT training with weights but now need to keep trying new things as I can get bored very easily.

Two interesting facts about me: Before I was a teacher, I trained to be an archaeologist and created a display in the Museum of Gloucester.


Support Staff 

Mrs J Challenger (PBSW)

My hobbies are walking my dog, Tillie, in the woods; I love shopping for clothes and shoes, which is a passion; and I adore eating chocolate (I don't get a lot of time to myself at the moment but when I have time I love doing these things).

My favourite food is plain, old-fashioned food. A roast dinner and fish and chips are my favourite! I love sweet things too, so anything with chocolate in makes me very happy.

My favourite subject is art, especially drawing and painting. I have set myself a goal to try oil painting.

My favourite sport is something non-competitive. I really like walking, swimming and yoga.

An interesting fact about me:

I love bumble bees. One of my brother's hives is named after me.

Mrs S Howell (SENDCo)

My hobbies are reading, sewing and baking tasty treats.

My favourite food is chocolate cake. 

My favourite subject is history - I love learning about the past!

My favourite sport is athletics. I used to run 100 metres for my school and played hockey! I enjoy swimming and walking.

An interesting fact about me: My first bungee jump in New Zealand was 47m, but it wasn't scary enough so I then jumped 134m from a cable car. I loved every second!

Learning Support Workers

Mrs M Baker

My hobbies are baking, running and walking my dog, Benji.

My favourite food is Lasagne.

My favourite subjects are Maths and PE.

My favourite sport is running, although I played hockey for Chepstow Ladies for 30 years!

An interesting fact about me: Whilst doing a charity run at Kingsholm, I ran with Mike Tindall.


Mrs L Bick

I like to travel . We have a caravan and as a family we  like to tour all over the uk . I like to walk across the beach at anytime of the year . We also travel abroad a few times a year which I enjoy . My favourite food is curry but I will try most things, partial to a glass of something cold and paella . An interesting fact about me that may surprise some people is I like to swim in the sea until I am out of my depth ! I am happy when I am surrounded by family and friends especially spending quality time with my granddaughter  . I try to keep positive and see the good in every day .

Mrs J Brooks

My hobbies are spending time with family and friends and working out.

My favourite food is Indian.

My favourite subject is PE.

My favourite sport are hockey, netball and rugby.

An interesting fact about me: I used to play rugby with my mum for Bream and Drybrook.

Mrs R Dunkley

My hobbies are crafting especially crochet knitting and needlecraft and reading.

My favourite food is my mums roast dinner, food cooked for me always tastes better!

My favourite subject is reading, I can be in another time or place when I have a book in my hand.

My favourite sport is Rugby.

An interesting fact about me is I went to the same school as J K Rowling and was taught by the teachers who inspired Professor Snape, Professor Sprout and Delores Umbridge.

Miss T Dunkley

My hobby is drawing.

My favourite food is a good Indian take away.

My favourite subject is art.

My favourite sport is rounders.

An interesting fact about me is when I was in primary school my class wrote and published a book called Woolas and Lydnya with a famous author Shoo Rayner, one of the trees I drew was used in the illustrations in the book.

Mrs J Howard

My hobbies are Reading and Arts and Crafts. I love creating things from nothing, designing them and seeing the end result.

My favourite food is pasta.

My favourite subject is PSHE. Children's mental health and well-being is highly important to me.

My favourite sport rugby.

An interesting fact about me: I have over 52 pairs of shoes and often wear odd ones to work (which is a bit of joke amongst the staff)! I get checked every morning to see if I'm wearing a matching pair.

Miss S Morgan

My hobbies are baking and running.

My favourite food is spaghetti carbonara.

My favourite subject is maths or phonics.

My favourite sport is running.

An interesting fact about me: I enjoy an exercise challenge for charity and have completed quite a few over the past few years.

Miss S Pitt 

My hobbies are reading and drawing.

My favourite food is a roast chicken dinner.

My favourite subject is art.

My favourite sport is Formula 1 although some would say it is not a sport.

An interesting fact about me: I have performed on stage in a theatre twice.

Miss C Shurmer

My hobbies are arts and crafts, reading, walking and dancing.

My favourite food has to be roast chicken dinner. I'm a massive foody so it's hard to pick just one favourite food.

My favourite subject is history. I love going to historic sites in my spare time and learning about all historic events.

My favourite sport is cross country - well, I liked it when I was at school, but I'm not much of a sporty person. I don't think you would catch me running much these days!

An interesting fact about me: I did circus skills a few years ago and have trained in aerial hoop and fire breathing!

Mrs A Tomkins

My hobbies are walking, reading and knitting.

My favourite food is a traditional roast dinner.

My favourite subject is Maths, I am a Whiz at times tables.

My favourite sport is swimming and I have swim coach qualifications.

An interesting fact about me is I have raced around Donnington Park Race Circuit.

Miss G Turley

My hobbies are walking and swimming

My favourite foods are Chinese and Indian takeaway

My favourite subject is history

My favourite sport is football, especially watching the Euros and World Cup!

An interesting fact about me is that my mum and dad, myself and all of my siblings came to Severnbanks when we were younger

Miss A Whiting

My hobbies are reading anything non-fiction and drawing.

My favourite food is a chicken tikka from a takeaway.

My favourite subject is history especially modern world.

My favourite sport is snooker thanks to my Granddad.

An interesting fact about me: I make my own unique earrings; my favourite pair are dinosaur skeletons.

Mrs A Willetts

My hobbies are reading, music, socialising with my friends and going on holiday.

My favourite food is a roast dinner.

My favourite subject is Maths. I never used to be very good at it when I was younger, but over the years I have developed my knowledge to be so much better now.

My favourite sport is swimming (when I'm on holiday).

An interesting fact about me: I brought up 2 children on my own, who are now very successful adults.

Mr M Innoles

My hobbies are watching and playing football, keeping fit by going on runs and going to the gym as well as socialising with friends on evenings and weekends.

My favourite food is Pasta.

My favourite subject is PE. I always looked forward to PE when I was in school!

My favourite sport is football.

An interesting fact about me: I was born on 03/02/01

Mrs A Martin

My hobbies are baking, gardening and being creative.

My favourite food is anti-pasti.

My favourite subject is History.

My favourite sport is ... well, I'm not really a sporty person, so it is tricky to choose a favourite.

An interesting fact about me: My father-in-law was given a bravery medal by Queen Elizabeth II!

Mrs Chiswell 

 Admin Staff 

Mrs R Woods

My hobbies are travelling, going to theatre / concerts and eating out with friends and family.

My favourite food is Chinese although I like most food - as you can tell by my waistline :)

My favourite subject at school was maths.

My favourite sport to watch is rugby.

An interesting fact about me is that when I was younger (and fitter) I passed several exams- highly commended in Latin and Ballroom dancing. I could give Giovanni  a run for his money on the dance floor!

Mrs S Robin

My hobbies are travelling and spending time with  my family and friends.

My favourite food is a roast dinner. I also love Italian food.

My favourite subject is Art. I love making things and getting creative.

My favourite sport is rugby. I love the atmosphere at the stadium when watching live games.

An interesting fact about me: I ran the London Marathon in 2010. Probably one of the hardest things I have ever done!

MDSA   Mrs Lambert, Mrs Hale, Mrs Tonks, Mrs Paige, Mrs O'Brien, Miss Johnson 

Breakfast Club  Miss Chiswell Mrs Worgan 

Caretaker Mr G Dean 

Domestic staff - Mrs Lambert, Miss E Witts, Mrs V Saint, Mrs M Hudson, Mrs K Kazmierczak.