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Maths Curriculum

The Maths curriculum is an ambitious curriculum meeting the needs of all learners and contextualised in the community we serve.

At Severnbanks Primary School we work to ensure that all children have access to a Maths curriculum which prepares them for life-long learning, acquiring knowledge and skills to take with them on their learning adventure.

Teachers use the White Rose Maths Curriculum to plan lessons - this is a research based scheme which incorporates the National Curriculum requirements for each year group. The Maths curriculum is taught in blocks throughout the year, allowing time to embed and broaden children’s understanding of each area of Maths, including number, calculation, fractions, geometry, measure and statistics.

At Severnbanks, we actively plan for children to make connections in their learning, providing choice and challenge in enjoyable lessons to engage children to lead and flourish in the learning process. We aim for children to become fluent and confident in number facts demonstrating the ability to recall key facts with speed and accuracy.  Children work to apply their learnt skills and knowledge to solve mathematical problems and to reason mathematically, looking for relationships and generalisations to follow a line of enquiry. Children acquire a solid mathematical understanding through the use of concrete apparatus, pictorial representations and abstract or formal written methods to give them the best chances of mastering maths to solve problems and use in real-life situations.

Our Maths curriculum allows opportunities for children to demonstrate our school values, vision and curriculum drivers  by: showing teamworkrespect and kindness when working with others in a class, group or pair to listen to one another and share ideas and resources; working with resilience to learn key facts and overcome misconceptions and apply knowledge to solving problems; thinking with creativity and curiosity to solve problems using appropriate methods and materials. Pupils are encouraged to be independent when learning and know how to use resources to support their own learning. Our teaching of the maths curriculum promotes that pupils aspire to be mathematicians and  achieve. 

Throughout our lessons, children are given the opportunity to listen to and articulate their mathematical thinking with others, developing their use of language and appropriate mathematical vocabulary. They learn to make connections with one another and the wider world to identify and develop their mathematical thinking and understanding to prepare them for the next stage of their learning adventure.

The White Rose Maths Scheme gives a high level of importance on the development of maths language, and it has been a key element of developing a mastery approach to our teaching.  There is a cumulative and progressive pathway to developing and using correct mathematical terminology within our school.  Children are expected to use this language and use full mathematical sentences from the outset.  Through the use of the pupil workbooks, children are encouraged to read and comprehend problems that are represented in a variety of presentations. Maths discussions are central to our Maths lessons and children are given frequent opportunities to talk, listen and to share their thinking and ideas. 

We use a concrete/pictorial/abstract approach to learning at all levels.  We use the White Rose Maths scheme (and associated workbooks) as our main vehicle in delivering our aims, supplemented by other materials to develop further fluency and reasoning opportunities, and to develop a progressive approach to learning multiplication facts.

All classes deliver regular “Maths Meetings”, where children re-visit and rehearse areas of maths that are not currently being taught, and which embed and rehearse key ideas for each year group. Our ambition is for every child to have as many opportunities a day as possible to experience maths, which include maths mastery lessons, maths meetings, morning maths activities, fluency sessions, multiplication practice, counting, chanting and alike.

 At Severnbanks:

  • Children will become quick and fluent in using number facts.
  • Children will develop an embedded understanding of place value on which to build a solid grasp of number.
  • Children will become efficient in using calculation procedures in all four operations.
  • Children will be confident in using correct mathematical terminology.
  • Children will be able to apply their mathematical understanding in solving problems across a range of scenarios and situations.
  • Children will be aware of maths as an important part of the world that they live in.
  • Children will develop a love of mathematics that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Children will become resilient mathematicians