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Local Academy Committee Information

Our Local Academy Committees play a vital role in the life of our schools and the wider Trust. All governance within schools and the wider Trust follow the three pillars of effective governance to provide the best possible outcomes for our stakeholders:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Severn Federation Academy Trust are committed to having a rigorous standard of governance, and everyone involved with governance within the Trust agrees to uphold the Code of Conduct.

Governance Code of Conduct


The Local Academy Committee


The Local Academy Committee members have a responsibility for delegated matters concerning Severnbanks school; including the upholding the ethos of the school, promoting ties with the outside community, monitoring the impact of the curriculum and ensuring the wellbeing of pupils and staff. The Local Academy Committee meet at least once a term. The Committee Terms of Reference outline the responsibilities and duties of the Severnbanks Local Academy Committee.

Severnbanks Terms of Reference 2024-2025


The Local Academy Committee represents Severnbanks school within the wider Severn Federation Academy Trust.

They are responsible for:
  • Monitoring the ethos & values of the school.
  • Ensuring accountability.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the schools progress.
  • Monitoring safeguarding procedures within the schools.
  • Monitoring and promoting links between the schools, parents and local community.
  • Ensuring the highest possible standards are set, achieved and maintained in the schools.
  • Ensuring pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is nurtured.
  • Ensuring the well-being of pupils, staff and families is supported. 
  • Having a role in the appointment senior members of staff including the Headteacher.

Whilst the committee members are always open to ideas and opinions, they are not primarily responsible for:

  • Discussing the individual needs of pupils (please contact your child's teacher for this).
  • Complaints/concerns about staff (this should initially be addressed to the Head Teacher).
  • Fund raising and social events (this is run by the PTFA).

If you would like to get involved in local governance, or to contact the Chair of Committee, please contact the governance professional; 

Composition of Committee


Governor Type Composition Appointments Vacancies
Headteacher 1 1 0
Staff 1 1 0
Parent 2 2 0
Co-opted 4 2 2
TOTAL 8 2 2

Register of Interests & Governor's Responsibilities


Name Governor Type Appointing Body Responsibility Register of Interests/Declaration of Pecuniary Interests Governor at another school Term of Office
Mrs. Sara Poole Headteacher Ex-officio   SFAT Employee No NA
Mr. Rod Johnson Co-opted Trustees

Chair of Committee (12.09.23 to 11.09.24)


Children in Care

None stated Lydney LAC (09.02.23 to 08.02.27) 26.05.22 to 25.05.26
Mrs. Shona Howell Staff Members of Severnbanks Staff  

SFAT Employee


No 20.03.24 to 19.03.26
Mr. Ben Wildin Parent Parents of Severnbanks School Health & Safety Child at Severnbanks School No 01.04.22 to 31.03.26
Mrs. Karen Weaver Co-opted Trustees


Pupil Premium


Related to a Severnbanks member of staff No 26.05.22 to 25.05.26
Mrs. Jennifer Dawson Marsh Co-opted Local Academy Committee   None stated No 17.01.24 to 16.01.28
Mrs. Rosie Brice Parent  Parents of Severnbanks School   Children at a Trust school No 24.06.24 to 23.06.28

 Retired Committee Members


Name Type Appointing Body Responsibility Register of Interests/Declaration of Pecuniary Interests Governor at another school Term of Office
Mrs. Lauren Andrew Parent Parents of Severnbanks school

Sports Premium



Proprietor of Event Transport Solutions

Child at Severnbanks School


01.04.22 to 31.03.26



Meeting Attendance Record

NAME 25.09.24 20.11.24 15.01.25 12.03.25 07.05.25 16.07.25 TOTAL
Sara Poole              
Rod Johnson              
Shona Howell              
Karen Weaver              
Ben Wildin              
Jennifer Dawson-Marsh              
Rosie Brice              


2023 - 2024
Name 27.09.23 29.11.23 17.01.24 17.04.24 22.05.24 17.07.24 TOTAL
Sara Poole Y Y Y Y Y Y 6/6
Rod Johnson Y Y Apologies Y Y Y 5/6
Shona Howell Y Y Y Y Y Y 6/6

Lauren Andrew

(Retired 10.06.24)

Y Y Y Apologies Y ------- 4/5
Ben Wildin Y Apologies Apologies Apologies Y Y 3/6
Karen Weaver Y Y Y Y Apologies Y 5/6
Jennifer Dawson-Marsh ---- ------ Y Y Apologies Y 3/4

Rosie Brice

(Elected 24.06.24)

----- ----- ----- ----- ------ Y 1/1