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At Sevenbanks we use a text enhanced approach to learning. In year 3 used the text The Stone Age Boy.

This text was chosen to support and engage the pupils in learning about the history of the Stone Age, rocks in science and cave drawings in art using their painting skills. 
The text supported the children in writing instructions, letters and sequencing their story writing.





We are authors. 



We are artists.  We creat prehistoric cave paintings using our drawing skills and painting techniques. 




In RE we learn about Diwali, we create our own Rangoli patterns. 


D.T  We are designers.

The children look at fruit from around the world. They find out where food originates from and how it is transported. Following on, the children make their own fruit kebabs, using strawberries, bananas, watermelon and a drizzle of honey. These are then grilled and the children all have a go at tasting the yummy kebabs.



We are mathematicians. We learn about number patterns and numbers to 1000.We create a human number line!  We identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations. 



 Lights on Cotton Rock links very well to our Science topic of light! 


We  read The Egyptian Cinderella and The Ancient Egypt Sleepover.  This enhances our knowledge and understanding of Ancient Egypt and we are Historians





Summer 2 sees the classic text Charlotte's Web being read and a stimulus for great writing. 

We are scientists. We learn about the human body and labelled the bones of the skeleton.    

We are athletes.  In PE we learn  passing and receiving skills/ invasion and defence skills. 



We love learning French. We are linguists. We learn the names of fruits and use these in sentences. We then have a fruit party but have to ask for fruit in French. 



