Term 1 We read Anglo-Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman. This book was chosen to support and engage the children's understanding of the historical period. The children get to meet Tony Bradman (virtually) and ask him questions about his books and being an author.
We are authors.
The children plan and write non-chronological reports based on their learning in History-Sutton Hoo. They are Historians.
We were lucky to have an author ZOOM/ TEAMs visit from Tony Bradman. He explained how he writes and what it is like to be an author. We could ask questions about the topics in his books. What a treat!
Our Wonderful writing - Anglo Saxons.
Term 2 We read Survivors by David Long/ Kery Hyndman. This supports our geographical knowledge and understanding. We learn about mountains in geography. We are Geographers.
We wrote free verse poems.
Y5 wrote persuasive tourist brochures based on Innsbruck. We compared the physical and human geography of Innsbruck and our own local environment.
Y5 completed a geography field trip. We explore our local area, undertaking a field trip to note and observe the leisure facilities in Lydney. We make notes, sketches and observations so that we can discuss what extra facilities we would like to see and to compare and contrast our area with the alpine city of Innsbruck that we have been studying in Geography.
Reading for pleasure in term 2, Mrs Mc O chose Heidi.
please click on the link on the right for a read aloud version.
We are artists
In Art, we create works inspired by retrofuturism – art from the 1950s and 1960s depicting what the future might look like. We create cholographs to use print backgrounds and then add our own ideas of life in the future.
Term 3 we read Curiosity Mars Rover (read along.)
This text enhances our learning about solar systems in Science. We learn about the solar system, the movement of the moon, and explain the causes of day and night and season.
Year 5 have the opportunity for a computing lesson at Dean Academy, using problem-solving and decoding skills to escape the Escape Room! They have to really think hard in groups to master passwords, decipher codes and analyse data to help complete each step - they had to really persevere as some of the steps were quite tricky!
Term 4 we read Clockwork by Philip Pullman
Term 5 we read Oh Maya God by Maz Evans.
Term 6 we read Holes by Louis Sachar.
We are scientists ..
The children explore and learn about the properties of materials. They investigated the materials and their properties and planned experiments to test materials eg which material would be best for a coat.
Term 2 we explore forces. We learnt how to identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between the moving surfaces. We explored force meters and measured force in newtons. We looked for patterns in our experiments.
Exploring and investigating air resistance and water resistance.
Term 5 - Year 5 are learn about ‘Changing materials’. The children carry out two experiments. The first experiment is set up and they observe how quickly or slowly sugar dissolves into water, leaving a solution. They then have the task of carrying out the experiment again but changing a variable to make sure it is a fair test. Here is a list of changes the children could decide on: amount of sugar, type of sugar, amount of water and temperature of water. The children record their observations on a table and analyse the results. Finally, they compare their predictions from the start of the experiment.
We are designers.
We children learn about structures and bridges. They learnt about arch and beam bridges and how to reinforce a beam to improve its strength. They explore Truss bridges, building their own and refining the design and evaluating the products.
When they read Curiosity Mars Rover to enhance their Science learning regarding Space.
'Discover the incredible story of the search for life on Mars, told from the unique perspective of Curiosity, the Mars Rover sent to explore the red planet. Markus Motum's stylish illustrations and diagrams reveal how a robot travelled 350,000,000 miles to explore a planet where no human has ever been'
We are readers !
Year 5 had the reading dogs to encourage reading at home .
We visited Nodens Care Home to sing Harvest songs and spend time conversing with the residents. We learnt a little about their lives and shared some of our own stories with them.
We are athletes / sports people.
We have explored a range of passes used in netball, including chest passes, shoulder passes and bounce passes. We learnt that the choice of pass depends upon a number of factors, including the distance between us and our teammate, and also the location of the defender. We practised using the passes in pairs and small groups and then tested our skills by adding defenders in a small group game.We have been practising our throwing skills this week by thinking about which we can use to avoid losing the ball to a defender, whilst also remembering our footwork! We worked hard at communicating with our teammates to help move the ball successfully to our goal.
We have been learning how to maintain control of the ball by dribbling, thinking about:
We are musicians
For ten weeks, the whole class learn how to play an instrument. We work with Glos Music and this year we have learnt the Ukuleles.