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What a day!

We had a visit from a MP.

We were delighted to welcome Matt Bishop MP for the Forest of Dean into school today. He enjoyed being toured around the school by our Head Boy and Head Girl, and spent time with our Year 5 and Year 6 classes to answer their questions about plans for improvements in our local community, life in Parliament and how further education options might be improved in the Forest of Dean. He also spent time with a Year 4 pupil who is working towards her Global Citizenship Gold Award and was set a challenge to contact an MP about local issues - what better way than to have a face to face interview!


On Friday 7th February we finished National Story telling week with a visit from Matt Davies, a local author.

EYFS and KS1 were treated to a reading of Inspector Earwig and the Garden Thief,  before spending time with Year One designing new characters and playing word games.
What a great way to finish off National Storyteller week!



National Story Telling Week

This week is National Storytelling week and in school we will take part in lots of storytelling activities as part of our learning both in and out of the classroom. The children will be able to read to each other at playtimes using our story boxes, enjoying extra stories being read to them in assembly and during lesson times as well as some of the Year 6 children continuing to read to our youngest children in EYFS and KS1. Please take part with your children by reading an extra bedtime story, listening to a story together in the car or even reading together in an unusual place!  Please send any photos of you reading together in different places to your child's class teacher. We'd love to see them!  Most of all, enjoy the time reading together with your child.


The Community Garden

First seeds have been sown in the community garden for 2025 ! πŸ™ŒπŸŒ± Sweetpeas for our developing sensory garden area ! ☺️If anyone would like to join our volunteers on a Thursday morning between 9 -10 am, they would be more than welcome. It is the perfect time with Spring just around the corner and lots to do! πŸŒ±πŸ™Œβ˜ΊοΈ (Weather permitting)


Cricket Stars - Ks1 

A selection of pupils from year 1 and 2 went off in a minibus to participate in cricket as part of the School Games at Dene Magna School. Well done to the children who enjoyed the activities and really shone! 


Great enhanced learning at The Dean Academy

Year 5 had a great computing lesson at Dean Academy (10/1/25), using their problem solving and decoding skills to escape the Escape Room! They had to really think hard in groups to master passwords, decipher codes and analyse data to help them complete each step - they had to really persevere as some of the steps were quite tricky!



What a magical time of the year. We have been busy with Christmas parties, Pantos,  Jumper and dinner day, elves delivering special presents from the PTFA, Carol service and Choir singing. A thank you to all the staff for making every child feel special and sprinkling festive magic. Thank you to PTFA for their ongoing support. The children loved the books. Thank you to the catering team for a delicious dinner.  Thank you to the parents for the support they give to us as a school. Finally, a huge thank you to the children. Keep shining you Severnbanks Stars. 





Book Fayre

Tuesday 3rd December, we held a book fayre with Books for Bugs. All the books were amazing value at just £2.99. Children had the opportunity to visit the fayre during the daytime and got to choose from lots of lovely books! Parents and carers were invited in after school to browse and buy. Thank you for the support. 



Christmas Fayre.

Again, this year was a huge success. Thank you to the PTFA, staff, Y6 pupils and local vendors for manning stalls, providing refreshments and entertaining the crowds. The choir sang Christmas songs and Father Christmas came to visit. 

Finally, thank you to parents, carers and the local community for attending.  The PTFA will let us know how much was raised. 



Year 5 Ukulele performance 

Year 5 pupils showcased their musical talents. For ten weeks, the children have been learning to play the ukulele and developing a love of music. 

They performed songs such as Rocking Robin, I will walk 500 miles and Banana Tree. It was a fantastic 'concert' enjoyed by the school, parents and carers. 


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No Pens Day 2024

This year Severnbanks School will be supporting the charity, Speech and Language UK. This charity supports children with speech and language difficulties along with their families and schools to give them a better start in life and a brighter future.
We have many children at Severnbanks who benefit from Speech and Language therapy both in and out of school.

On Wednesday 27th November, we will be taking part in the annual No Pens Day run by Speech and Language UK. The children will be putting down their pens and pencils to take part in activities across the curriculum that will develop and extend their speech and language skills.

So please show your support for Speech and Language UK by asking your child about what they did at school on Wednesday.



Thank youExciting News Wrap Around Care
We will be offering wrap around care here at Severnbanks. This will be run by a member of staff and a member of staff from Lydney C of E. It is a joint wrap around care with schools in our TRUST..
You all know, we offer breakfast club but from 2/12/24 we will offer an official after school-wrap-around care service.
Bookings will be via Parent Pay – this is currently being set up. Parents will be able to book for session one 3:15-4:15; session two 4:15-5:15pm; session three 5:15-6pm
Sessions one and two will be charged at £4.50 per session, session three (45 mins). We are costing the 3rd session. TBC
Snacks – Children attending will be provided with drinks and snacks.
An Online registration form will be available for you to complete 

Please check your child's book bags for the letter. We are excited we can offer this provision. 

Also, can you help? 


Children in Need

On Friday 15th November, we took part in Children in Need. The school council decided to 'Come comfy for money'. Children could wear comfy clothes for a donation. Thank you to everyone who participated. We raised £163.52 for this charity. 



Lydney Taurus Craft Lantern Parade 

On Friday 15th November, families of Severnbanks joined together to participate in the community Lantern parade. We made a beautiful lantern with hand prints to represent every child in our school. It was a delight to see past pupils with their own babies join us; grandparents, aunties and uncles. Everyone had the opportunity to visit stalls and mingle with others at Taurus Craft, then join the possession. 


Message from Forest Food Bank 

I am writing to say a huge thank you to all the schools who donated food from their harvest collections to The Forest Foodbank. The warehouse was looking a bit depleted but is now much better stocked as a result of these donations.

This year the Food bank is trying a reverse advent calendar as an attachment with this email in case any would like to collect for the foodbank.

Thank you all once again. The Foodbank could not operate without all the support that is given by the local community.

 Jane Baird

(Schools Coordinator The Forest Foodbank)


Remembrance Parade

Sunday 10th November, the heads and deputies represented the school to participate in the Lydney Town Council and Royal British Legion Parade.  It was also lovely to see other pupils joining their out-of-school clubs. Well done to everyone who took part. 





READ with ME! 

At Severnbanks we have started to work with the Read with Me group and are keen to develop this in the Forest of Dean. 

This half-term they are hosting a special event. Please see the poster! Would be lovely for you to attend and let us know how wonderful it was. 




Share a Story, October 2024

Year One held their first Share a Story session this morning.  Parents came into school to read with their children and share new stories together.  Mrs. Jones read the children’s favourite stories; Chocolatina, Schnitzel von Krumm Forget Me Not and Rumpelstilskin to everyone. The children loved joining in with these! Everyone had a lovely time and are looking forward to our next session, which will be Christmas stories!


Global citizens

Well done to Harry in y2 and Jessica in Y4, they are both working on the bronze award for Global Citizenship. 

Harry completed the Natural World challenge for the bronze award. 

Design a dream garden to help nature. Will it help bees, hedgehogs or birds? Choose plants and make notes on their colours and smells.



Jessica completed the Treading Gently on the Earth section of the bronze award. - 

 Recycling and rubbish-collect everything that you throw away for a week. Take a photo of it all and maybe even weigh it! Now choose two ways that you can reduce the amount of rubbish you produce and improve your recycling habits.



Year 1 parents!  

Let's read together-Sharing a book not only helps with reading skills, but also has great benefits for you and your child's wellbeing. 



Community Garden

The garden is coming along and is being prepared for winter. The green house is up and children are busy starting the compost heaps!   If anyone can help with the garden, please contact the office. Thank you


World Mental Health Day

10th October 24 we acknowledged World Mental Health Day. Children were encouraged to wear an item that was yellow and participate in activities that supported their mental health. Thank you to those who donated 50p. The money will be used to develop wellbeing for the children in school. 


Harvest festival 24

Severnbanks school will be holding their Harvest Festival on the 16th October 24 

EYFS and KS1 9:15 

KS2 10:00

All donations will be gratefully received and be given to the Food Bank. 


Echo Schools

We are pleased to announce we have been awarded Eco School Status 


We are very pleased to tell you that the Eco-Committee at Severnbanks Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
"Well done for creating such a large Eco-Council! Pupils in your school are clearly very passionate about environmental issues and willing to go above and beyond to create positive impacts in their local community and beyond."

Please click on the link to find out more about Eco schools -

The great work will continue this year...

Creativity award

In memory of our beloved TA Di Smith, we welcomed her family to school to present the annual creativity award. This year the award was for creative writing. The winners were from Ks1 and Ks2. Well done to Rupert and Bella. 



Eco Green Flag Award. 

As a school, we achieved the Eco Green Flag status by completing the Eco-Schools' seven-step programme, which raises awareness of environmental issues and helps children to make climate-positive changes within their schools and local communities.


Y5/6 Grand performance

A Huge well done to Y5/6 for their end of year performances of Oliver. Great cast and choir.  We hope the audiences enjoyed it as much as the children and staff. Thank you to those who donated to the collection for our Eco council-chosen charity, Samantha's Little Prickles - for injured Hedgehogs.  



Trip to London

Y5 were very lucky to visit London and ride on the London Eye. The trip enhanced their learning in  Geography and literacy. The class have been reading The London Eye Mystery. A thank you to the PTFA who helped with funds towards this exciting opportunity. 


You are Special 

Well done to years 3 and 4 on their performances in the last week of term 5 of the play You are Special. What a super message to send to all and encapsulates what Severnbanks is all about. Everyone is celebrated, supported and recognised. We are all unique and loved. 





What an amazing few days we have had focussing on careers for the future.  A huge thank you to the visitors and Rob Pickup the Enterprise Co-Ordinator from Gloucestershire Careers Hub, for helping to organise and sourcing some of the visitors. The children were engaged in occupations and careers from accountancy, farrier paramedics, nursing, fire service, engineering, hair and beauty, Gloucester Rugby to radio and media. The children were able to ask about the variety of jobs in each sector, they also spoke to young adults about college and courses. Please see the photographs on the right. 



Handy Person Club

A huge WOW to the Handy person club who have completed their first project gates. They should be super proud of their achievements. We are looking forward to seeing what is in the planning stage next.




The community garden is really taking shape. Thank you to all those who supported the Tesco tokens, helped with the initial work and now the planting. A special thanks to Sarah C and Rosie B, Mr Deane and Mrs Robin. We cannot wait to see what we can harvest.... 



Family event in the community 



22nd of April Earth day

The UK Government has set an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions by 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels – and is the only major economy to have set a target of 77% for 2035.  With this in mind, we decided to raise awareness and pledge to help reduce Severnbanks School's waste and be carbon-neutral. 

We held Earth Hour on the 22nd April. We turned the lights off and reduced the use of electronics. We thought about how we could pledge to reduce our use of electricity in school. 



Mock Trials

Some of our Year 6 children have been lucky enough to take part in the Gloucestershire Magistrates’ Courts Mock Trials in the old Magistrates Courtroom at Coleford Police Station. They assumed a range of ‘court roles’, including Magistrates, Defendant, Defence Lawyers, witnesses, Court Usher, Court Artist and Court Reporter. They did an incredible job and managed to persuade the (real life) Magistrate that the (pretend) Defendant was not guilty! It was lovely to see so many budding lawyers and other court professionals in the making. They should be so proud of themselves!


Parking !

A huge thank you to the PTFA for supporting the school in purchasing road signs to keep us safe crossing the road. We hope the drivers take notice of the signs. 



Y3 Andy Seed visit. 

Year 3 children were very lucky to have a visit from Andy Seed with his Egyptian workshop. Andy Seed has written many books based on history and today, introduced us to his book ‘The Curse of the Tomb Robbers’ based on Ancient Egypt. Both Year 3 classes have a copy of the book to explore in their classrooms. Andy also showed us the replica coffin he had made based on his Ancient Egypt research and knowledge.


Girls Football.

Well done to the Y5/6 football team. We travelled to Newent School to play in the finals on 20th March 24. A huge thank you to Newent School and Alan Beard for organising the event. Well done to St Whites Primary for winning. All teams played really well and demonstrated great sports person ship. 

Super proud of our girls who came third only missing second place by one goal. 


Red Nose Day 2024!

Well done all for participating in mismatch day. Lovely to see how creative the outfits were. We raised £115.00



Emotions in Art competition.

Children were given A4 piece of paper, to draw, paint or colour a picture which reflects an emotion, e.g. overjoyed, elated, panicked, worried, frustrated, silly, excited, happy, focused, calm, proud, sad, bored and tired. Entries were collected and winners chosen.

The winning artwork will be displayed in our Well-being Hub for all children to see.

  Well done to Leah in y2, Kapser in Y4 and Nevaeh in Y6. 


.Svitlo's World Record Assembly

On Friday 1st March the school took part in a world record attempt. 

The assembly was more than just a gathering; it was a celebration of unity, resilience, and power
of education to bring about positive change. We joined to show commitment to making a difference in the lives of young people around the world. This also helps with fostering a sense of global citizenship, empathy, and understanding. The assembly showed motivational stories of three Ukrainian pupils and the power of hope over darkness. Please see the link


HAF Activities

Please see the attached poster below relating to activities on offer to families.

Come along to Severnbanks' Wellbeing Coffee Morning on the 5th March 9- 10:30. Hosted by Mrs Challenger at the RCC. See poster at the bottom of the news page. 

World Book Day is being held on Thursday 7th March. We will be completing some poetry activities in school as well as reading some new story books that the PTFA have very kindly given us. 

At home, we would like the children to make their favourite book character using a lollipop stick. The children will be given a lollipop stick tomorrow (Friday) and they can use anything they like to transform it into their character. Why don't you have a look at some of the photos below for some ideas?  The children need to bring their finished character (with theri name on) into school on Thursday 7th March and we will display them for everyone to see. Good Luck!

Mrs. Jones and Mrs. McQueen - Oliver



Sports for Champions update.

On 29th January, we were lucky enough to welcome, Chris Tawiah, a professional basketball player, into school to talk about his inspiring journey to becoming a top-class athlete. He talked to the children about loving sport as a child and even did wrestling at the age of 8! He only discovered basketball as a teenager when he was going to play football with friends and was noticed because of his height - due to his practise,  perseverance and love of the sport, he has been able to play the sport professionally for a number of years.

After hearing Chris's inspirational story, all children took part in a sponsored fitness fundraiser, undertaking 4 minutes of high-impact exercises - jumping jacks, push-ups, mountain climbers and spotty dogs. We were able to raise an incredible £1,269.00 for the school as well as to help support other athletes pursue their professional careers. Thank you to all those who took part and all sponsors who donated so generously!

Girl's Football

Our Year 5 and 6 Girls Football Team enjoyed an amazing success last term when they played in a 6-a-side tournament against other primary schools in the Forest at Forest High secondary school, organised by School Games.

The girls overcame some very talented teams and scored enough points in the initial rounds to make it through to the finals on the day which they won, beating Pillowell in a tightly-fought 1-0 victory! This means the girls will now play in the finals of the county-wide competition on the 20th March - well done girls, an awesome achievement, we wish you every success in the finals!



Following on from our 'Speak out Stay Safe' assembly last week , Year 6 participated in an NSPCC workshop exploring how they can ensure they keep themselves and others safe, understanding how they can seek help and support if they need to.

5th Feb - 9th Feb 

For Children's Mental Health Week, our School Council Wellbeing Champions have organised a series of  events:

On Tuesday 6th February 24  they will be running an assembly to introduce our Well-being Buddies and how children in school can use the Well-being Hub from this week.

On Thursday 8th February 24 we are holding a cake sale to raise funds for our Well-being Hub. Cake donations would be greatly appreciated. Please could they be brought into school on Thursday morning. All cakes will be 20p.

Finally, we are holding an Emotions in Art competition. On an A4 piece of paper, could children please draw, paint or colour a picture which reflects an emotion, e.g. overjoyed, elated, panicked, worried, frustrated, silly, excited, happy, focused, calm, proud, sad, bored and tired. We will collect entries the first week back after half-term. Prizes will be given for winning artwork which will be displayed in our Well being Hub for all children to see.

Thank you for all of your support

School Council Wellbeing ChampionsEmile competition Feb 24 We did it!! A huge congratulations to Year 6 who, after topping the Gloucestershire league, have won the  National Final of the Emile TimesTables Cup, answering over 50,000 correct times tables questions in just over 24 hours πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
Well done to Luca, Hezron, Daisy and Neveah who answered an incredible 20,000 questions between  them, an amazing effort!!

Well done Year 6, we are so proud of you, our times tables recall speeds are now record breaking!! πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€© 

Sports for Champion UK

What an exciting afternoon we had! Thank you to Chris Tawiah who has played for the London Lions Basketball Team and the Sports for Champion UK. Mrs Sayers organised a sponsored event for all pupils to participate. They are completed timed spotty dogs, star jumpers, press-ups and leg drives/mountain climbers. Chris also held two assemblies to talk to the children about aspirations and following their dreams - being STARS. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children. 



Club Connect 

River Children and Family Centre are hosting a friendly, relaxed group to support people experiencing chronic pain. It will start on the 19th February, and it will be the first and third Monday of every month. It will be a chance to connect with others and find out about local services, support, information and activities.  For more information, please contact the Community Wellbeing Service  on 01594 812447 or email community.wellbeing@fdean, .

Severnbanks Choir arrive in Birmingham

The Choir ventured to Birmingham to participate in Young Voices 22/1/24. What an experience they have had. Thank you to the staff for accompanying the pupils. It was a very long day but so much fun.



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Winners of the Reading Bingo Challenge 

Well done to all those who completed the reading bingo challenge set over the Christmas period. Everyone who took part had their names in the raffle draw. K S 1 and K S 2 were pulled out separately. The winners were Dialinn in y4 and Evalinn in y2. 


Look out for the Easter Reading Challenge!! 




Year 1 have started their music lessons. They are learning to play the violin! What a fantastic opportunity for all the class to enjoy making music and learning a new skill. 





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Reading Nook 

We are delighted to have opened a Reading Nook in school to promote and celebrate reading for pleasure. Year 6 children are loving their new role as reading ambassadors / buddies and this week have been reading with Year 2 children, exploring fiction and non-fiction texts relating to all things cold and wintry! The children have really enjoyed talking about what they have read, making predictions and inferences and discovering a whole new world of reading books!



Sports for Champions UK 

We have a sports person visiting on 29th January 24. We are working alongside  Sports For Champions UK. We have decided to engage with Sports For Champions UK to promote sport, competition/ engagement. We are hoping that this will encourage children to be more active.  On this day, the children will participate in a sponsored sports session. 

"Severnbanks Primary School are excited to be hosting an inspirational workshop with Leicester Riders BBL Championship Winner Chris Tawiah. "

"Severnbanks Primary School are committed to placing the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' at the heart of all pupils that attend the school. Every effort is made to provide a full, varied and interesting curriculum, preparing them for their future education."

What we need is for every child to be sponsored to take part. The money is then divided between the charity and the school.  

Every little bit helps.  

 It will be a fun day for all to be active and learn about healthy living, eating and the elements of success, teamwork, responsibility, communication and creativity. 

Please see the link to take you to more information.

Remember Children will earn awards for the amount of money raised:
£5 - £14.99 = BRONZE award
£15 - £34.99 = SILVER award
£35+ = GOLD award

Thank you all. 


Thank you to the PTFA

Santa came to every class today with presents for the class. He asked the teachers what the classes needed to support their learning. 


ACES course for adults. 

RCC are running an ACES course in January 24. Please see the poster at the bottom of the page.


EYFS and KS1 performed Hey Ewe this year for parents, carers and friends. The teachers were super proud and everyone enjoyed the singing, acting and music-making! 

The collection raised £105.10 and the money will be sent to Young Minds Matter. 


Carols and Community

The choir and the children have been busy. The choir visited Noden's and Rodley House nursing homes to entertain the residents. A very warm welcome was given.  Thank you to the staff for their kindness. 




Some of the choir sang for the public at TESCO. They collected donations for YMM. Thank you to those who donated any spare change.

  There were aany compliments from the store visitors! 

Christmas Fayre 

Well done to the PTFA and Year 6 enterprise team. A very well-supported Christmas Fayre was held on Friday 8th December. Father Christmas was in attendance, many stalls, raffles, face painting etc.  The school choir and A Local Brass band entertained the visitors. Approximately £1400 was made for the School. Thank you 



The book fair was very successful. It was lovely to see and hear children so excited to look, browse and buy new books. 




Book Fair

We are very excited to announce that we are going to be holding a Book Fair in school, run by Books for Bugs. 

Books for Bugs is a local children's book company offering amazing high-quality, brand new books at very low prices!  You can visit their website to see what they have to offer at 

The Book Fair will open from 11:00 am for children to visit with their classes.  They will have the opportunity to browse through the books and to purchase one.  All books will be priced at £3 each and are available to take away on the day.  Please can children bring in £3 in a named envelope and give it to their class teacher by Tuesday 5th December.  If they would like to bring in more money then please just include this in the envelope with the amount on the front.  It is an excellent opportunity to encourage our children’s love of books and reading.  

Parents and Carers are also invited to visit the fair for some Christmas shopping from 2:45 and it will stay open for a short period after school if you would like to browse the books once children have been collected. 

For every FIVE books our children and parents purchase, Books for Bugs will donate one book free to add to our classroom bookshelves.  Thank you for continuing to support our love of reading at Severnbanks. 


Bee Zee Bodies 

Fussy eating affects 1 in 4 school age children, so we know this is a big deal for many of the children, young people and families you support.

BeeZee Bodies, and their family nutritionists deliver FREE heathy lifestyles programmes to hundreds of families across Gloucestershire.
BeeZee Bodies also have FREE in-person healthy lifestyle programmes beginning in January to support families to build healthy habits around food and physical activity. Alternatively, anyone can start their journey now with their online programmes too. 

Visit their website for more details 




Remembrance Parade

Head boy/girl and their deputies attended the Remembrance Parade in Lydney on Sunday 12th November. We joined other schools, youth groups and veterans in the parade to remember those who have fought and given their lives so we can live ours.  Other children in school attended parades as part of cubs, brownies, scouts, girl guides etc.


Indoor Athletics

Well done to the Y5/6 pupils who attended the School Games Athletics at Dene Magna School. The children showed great teamwork and resilience. Lots of smiles and laughter too. Thank you to Alan Beard and School Games for their hard work

SPACES in our Starlets Nursery 

We have spaces available from January 24 for nursery children. Please contact the office for more information and visit the EYFS pages on this website.  Please see the prospectus below! 

Progressive Sports visited our school again to provide the children with a range of new sporting opportunities. One of the activities was archery. The children learnt new skills. 









Open days - Looking for a reception place for September 24. See below the dates and times for open sessions. Come and visit our setting and experience first hand what we have to offer. 

       Head boys and girl and their deputies announced. Well done to Harry and Klarra and Henry and Kirsty.