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Severnbanks School values the contribution that every child can make and welcomes the diversity of culture, religion and learning styles. The school seeks to raise the achievement, remove the barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all. All children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are valued, respected as equal members of the school. Provision for pupils with SEN is a matter for the school as a whole. All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEN.

A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. The four broad areas of need which we provide for are:

  • Communication and interaction

  • Cognition and learning

  • Social, mental and emotional health

  • Sensory and/or physical (including visual and hearing impairment)


Severnbanks Primary School follows a graduated response to supporting pupils with SEND. Parents and carers will be involved at all stages.

We offer all pupils quality first teaching by working at the pupil's stage, using appropriate materials and supporting where required within class.


All pupils benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; including differentiated materials, use of IT and a broad range of curricular and extra-curricular activities. All pupils have access to activities, clubs and school visits. Where necessary we can provide a  differentiated curriculum.


For further information including:

          Who can I talk to about Special Educational Needs?                                                 

          What does our school do for children with SEN?

          How am I involved in my child’s education?

          What interventions and resources are available?

          What does the Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) do?

          What does the pastoral behaviour support worker (PBSW) do?

          What happens when I move schools?

          Where can I find more information?