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EYFS- Reception

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Severnbanks Primary School.

Miss Powell  Class Teacher 

Mrs King - PPA Cover

 Miss Dunkley and Miss Whiting are the Learning support workers 


Mrs Chiswell 

We look forward to working in partnership with you at the beginning of your child’s learning journey.


To meet the growing demand of our local community our EYFS space was redesigned and building work  completed in 2018.  We offer a purpose-built free flow environment that gives children the opportunity to learn playfully through a balanced approach of child initiated, adult directed and co-constructed play. In addition to our EYFS space we are also able to use the school grounds which include a wooded area which is fully resourced for outdoor teaching and learning. Our EYFS environment is well resourced, thoughtfully zoned and include additional benefits such as integral toilets for nursery, and low level sinks and kitchen areas.

When children start in Reception at the age of 4, they are based in our Sycamore room which forms a semi open plan unit with free-flowing access to the outdoor environment.  Your child will be assigned a class teacher, who will be responsible for planning activities and monitoring your child’s achievements and progress. We have adopted a ‘shoeless’ learning environment and children are given opportunities to develop their independence, self-regulation and self-care by choosing where and for how long to engage in activities.  Children are encouraged to be confident, independent learners who drive their own learning experiences.  Children are supported by the adults in provision when making decisions on the appropriate clothing for their needs, slippers for inside, wellies, coats or wet play overall for outside.

By the time children leave EYFS, we want them to be happy, motivated and confident communicators, who are able to display the characteristics of effective learning and apply the skills and knowledge learnt in EYFS in the next stage of their journey.