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Children's News

EYFS Road safety

Starlets and Reception participated in Beep Beep Day. They had a great day learning about road safety. They went outside to use the zebra crossing in our grounds. 


Easter disco

A huge thank you to the PTFA for planning the discos. Both EYFS /KS1 and KS2 discos were very well-supported and enjoyed by all. 


Easter Bonnet Parade

Wow, what a great display of Easter bonnets again this year. All classes were represented and enjoyed the parade. Thank you to all the parents and friends who stayed to support the parade. 




Remembrance Parade

Head boy/girl and their deputies attended the Remembrance Parade in Lydney on Sunday 12th November. We joined other schools, youth groups and veterans in the parade to remember those who have fought and given their lives so we can live ours.  Other children in school attended parades as part of cubs, brownies, scouts, girl guides etc.